Quick Slipper Bites

Friday, August 24, 2007

Staff having fun in the Dining Hall

Hi Friends, Family, and Slipperites,

In case you miss some of the fun of a Slipper summer (and how can't you?), I have uploaded a few videos of GSC staff members having fun in the Dining Hall. First up is Uncle Goldy giving a tour of his new house, which he created entirely from things on or around the administrative table during the final dinner.

Cribs, Featuring Uncle Goldy

Second is Uncle Aaron, more commonly known as "Pop Pop," demonstrating the dance he made famous this summer: The Pop Pop Shuffle.

The Pop Pop Shuffle

GSC Trivia
Of course we know the building as "the Dining Hall," but do you know its official name? If you know for whom is the Dining Hall named you can submit your answers here, through the comments section, or to brandonrubenstein@gmail.com

Until next time, be sure to send me your news and other items you'd like to share with the Slipper family!
-Uncle Brando

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The First Encampment Slideshow

Hi Friends, Family, and Slipperites,

The summer of 2007 has ended, but our love for camp has not. It was a great summer, and if you are anything like me you want to bask in the memories and friendships that were created and strengthened during first and/or second encampment.

As promised, I have returned to a faster internet connection and was able to upload the slide show from 1st encampment to YouTube. Unfortunately, the video was too long so I had to split it up into two different parts. Click the respective link below for Part 1 or Part 2. Second encampment's slide show -- as well as Olympic songs, feather speeches, and other summer highlights, will be uploaded periodically as well!

Part 1

Part 2

Don't forget to send me your news, ideas, and camp-related art so that it can be shared with our camp family on this website. Be sure to check this camp blog throughout the log winter, as news, updates, and new videos will be posted on a regular basis!

Uncle Brando

Monday, July 30, 2007

Night at the Races and Honor Bunk

Hi Friends, Family, and Slipperites,

We've had an exciting few days here at GSC, and the weather has been activity-friendly despite high humidity and the threat of rain.

On Saturday, GSC was home to an amazing program called Camplified as several artists visited and put on the best concert we've ever had here! To read a newspaper article from The Pocono Record about last summer's Camplified program at GSC, click here. Our guests this summer were Alexa Wilkinson, an amazing acoustic artist, Notar, and Young & Divine.

Alexa started things off in a grand fashion, sharing her coffee house rock and even calling Sabrina K.G. from Bunk G to the stage to perform a song with her (Sabrina and the Radio/DJ elective have been singing karaoke to her CD all summer). You can check out Alexa's music at her website.

Next up was Young & Divine, a rock band from Albany, who won over many fans here at GSC. They were able to keep everyone bouncing and singing along throughout their set, and even tossed some guitar picks into the crowd. You can check out their music at their website.

The final performed was Notar, a jazz/hip hop artist from New York. He sampled some popular songs, introduced some new ones, and in the end had almost everyone on the stage dancing to his beats. In the end, it all added up to the greatest Camplified we have ever had here at GSC! You can see pictures of the event, taken by Aunt Alisa and her campers from electives, on our photo site. Kudos to Alex P., Ethan M., Harry, and the rest of the Helmet Heads who debuted their new dance, the D-Mac!

In other news, we presented our Honor Bunks on Saturday morning. Honor Bunk is the weekly reward to the cleanest bunk in each village. Inspectors for each village judge the 'competition' and also present the award. Here are the winners (and inspectors):

Vogelson: Bunk 5 (Aunt Megan M.)
Kadden: Bunk 7 (Aunt Lauren E.)
Council Boys: Bunk 15 (Aunt Stefy M.)
Strauss: Bunk D (Uncle Devan S.)
Friends: Bunk L (Uncle Zack B.)
Council Girls: Bunk O (Uncle DJ)

Congratulations to all of our Honor Bunks, and hopefully all is well with our readers!
Uncle Brando

Friday, July 27, 2007

Slipper Book of Records

Hi Friends, Family, and Slipperites,

Last night's evening activity was a lot of fun, and many longstanding Slipper records were broken. The record book is online with new records highlighted in blue, so click here to see if your mark still stands!

Today, during lunch, we will have our next Asherman Cup Challenge. The premise is that GSC is launching its own airline, so we need an ad company to create a logo, slogan, commercial, jingle, brochure, etc. Each village is its own ad company, and we are eagerly looking forward to what each village produces! Details will be shared tomorrow.

Tonight's evening activity is our first dance, and tomorrow night is Camplified!

Until next time,
Uncle Brando

Thursday, July 26, 2007

A few beautiful days, and a GSC online store!

Hello Friends, Family, and Slipperiter,

The weather from the first day has been the exception and not the rule, as we've had nothing but sunshine ever since. Our first two days of activities were a lot of fun, with Bunk B learning Street Hockey (or is it "Huggey"), followed by a game in which Bunk B defeated Uncles Aaron, Tommy, B-rad, and myself by a score of 2-1. The game was a lot of fun and high fives and hugs were exchanged by all afterwards.

Also, Cindy W. and Jamie P. of Bunk N scored several holes-in-one at Mini-Golf, and Chane J. (Bunk F) won a game of Knock-Out, defeating several counselors and campers in the process. Aunt Alisa and the campers who have photography have done a pretty good job documenting our activities in process, so be sure to check them out by clicking here.

Our evening activities have been fun; Tuesday night was our co-village campfires, so our campers and counselors made new friends while learning some camp songs (such as Puff the Magic Dragon), hearing campfire stories, and, of course, eating s'mores. Wednesday night was our Leagues Tug of War, where the campers pulled for their respective teams. The themes for each village are:

Strauss: Greek letters (Pi, Sigma, Omicron, and Alpha)
Friends: Safari (Hippos, Gazelles, Giraffes, and Tigers)
Council Girls: Cheesesteaks (Pat's, Geno's, Subway, and Gooey Louie's)
Vogelson: Transformers (Megatron, ?, ?, ?)
Kadden: Cereal Mascots (Tony the Tiger, Silly Rabbits, Count Chocula, and Cap'n Crunch)
Council Boys: Dead Presidents (Andrew Jackson, ?, ?, ?)

After the leagues tugs, we had a staff tournament (which included the Male and Female Upper Staff as well). The top four villages, which earned points for the Asherman Cup, were:

1. Kadden (def. Male Upper Staff)
2. Council Boys (def. Female Upper Staff)
3. Friends (def. Council Girls)
4. Strauss (def. Vogelson)

Tonight's evening activity is the Slipper Book of Records, in which campers compete to break the marks set anytime from first encampment 2007 to as early as 2001! A copy of the records is available by clicking here, and I will post the new record book in the next few days.

Finally, GSC's online store (operated by Golden Slipper Club & Charities) has finally arrived. It has apparel and products with the Club, Camp and Center for Seniors logos. A portion of the proceeds go to Slipper for our charitable endeavors. To start shopping, click here!

Until next time,
Uncle Brando

Monday, July 23, 2007

2nd Encampment Has Begun!

Hi Family, Friends, and Slipperites,

First, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our first encampment campers who are now joining our fun from their homes across the Delaware Valley! Be sure to check the blog often and send your suggestions and ideas via the comments section of this blog.

We are now two days into 2nd encampment, and the energy and spirit here at GSC is unbelievable! Our first dinner was filled with plenty of cheering, singing, and dancing, and it was a perfect lead-in to our Welcome Show. Many of our favorite, traditional skits were presented, such as Eggs (featuring a cameo from Uncle Zak during the Dinosaur version), Lemmee, and Amelia at the Bikeshed Running with Scissors, and new skits were also introduced, including a sequel to the Backstreet Boys skit, "Call On Me," and Kadden's Musical Chairs. All in all, it was a very memorable Welcome Show that presented the goodhearted, family feel that we cherish here at Slipper.

Unfortunately our first day of camp was filled with rain -- which means a day full of Rainy Day Activities. Rainy Days are my responsibility, which explains why this is the first chance I have had to update the blog. I appreciate your patience in waiting for an entry, and would like to remind all of our readers that my priority is to contribute to the campers' experiences at GSC; the blog is something that I update during my free time, outside of my responsibilities as Program Director.

Today's Rainy Day Activities were Human Dutch Auction (morning), a collection of races and contests (like funniest joke, most push-ups in 1 minute, etc.), which featured a Sesame Street Theme. In the end, the Elmos (Bunks 1, 5, 9, 13, D, H, L, and Waitresses) edged out the Cookie Monsters, Oscar the Grouches, and Snuffalupaguses for the victory.

The weather was chilly and wet in the afternoon, so we enjoyed Slipper Cinema and our first movie was "Invincible." Last encampment's theme was Ben Stiller movies; the theme for this encampment will remain a mystery until our next Slipper Cinema. Will it be Philly movies, Mark Wahlberg movies, Sports movies, Greg Kinnear movies, or some other theme? Only time will tell!

Tonight's evening activity was Battle of the Sexes 2007. The boys' side, led by their captains Uncles Munch, NeNe, Joey, Zak, Cheese, and Jon, wore blue and white. The girls' side, led by their captains Aunts Ilana S., Hannah, Jen, Lauren E., Emily, and Stefy, wore black and pink. After events such as Basketball Shooting Stars, Hula Hoop Pass, Name that Tune, Math Blasters, Water Guzzle Race, Clothespin Relay Race, and Poetry, the final score was announced: The Girls' side edged out the Boys' Side by a score of 5-4! Congrats to the Girls' Side of Camp!

Well, that's all for today. The weather forecast for tomorrow is sunny and low 80's, so we should be able to enjoy our regularly-scheduled outdoor activities! See ya soon, and don't forget to check out our pictures from 2nd encampment!

Until next time,
Uncle Brando

Sunday lunch - Chicken Nuggets
Sunday dinner - Spaghetti & Meatballs
Monday breakfast - Waffles
Monday lunch - Pizza
Monday dinner - Chicken Stir Fry

Sunday, July 15, 2007

By the way...

To help you when you browse our Olympic pictures, here are the team colors:

Pirates = Red
Sea Monsters = Blue
Explorers = White
Mermaids = Green

There was only a costume competition, which was won by Team 3 Mermaids.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Olympic Results

Hi Family, Friends, and Slipperites,

The past week was swallowed by Olympics here at GSC! Before I get into that, I'd like to let you know how the blog works: Some campers submit an entry to me via pen/paper, and then I type and add them to the website. All other entries are written by me (Uncle Brando) when I have a free moment outside of my responsibilities to the camp and campers as Program Director. The campers generally only have access to the computer lab once a week, so they might not see the comments that you leave on the blog. The best way to ensure that a camper receives your message and love is to write them a letter through US mail. As a former counselor and camper myself, there is no more exciting time of the day than when the mail is delivered to each bunk and a camper receives a letter from mom, dad, grandmom, grandpop, a friend, etc.

In GSC news, our Olympics just ended. The theme was the Seven Seas Bowl and our administrators started things off with a spectacular breakout at the lake. Overheard in the crowd was "Wow, this is just like a theme park" and "This is the best breakout ever!" The four teams were the Pirates, Explorers, Mermaids, and Sea Monsters. The activities during Olympics include: Tug of War, Swim Meets, The Whirlpool (Apache Relay), Battle for Atlantis (Jam Session/Trivia), College Bowl (Trivia/Egg Tosses, Pillowcase Relays), General Sports (Football, Basketball, Softball, Gaga, Water Polo), Speeches, Sunken Treasure Hunts, and Dos Fivers. Spirit and Sportsmanship is very important to us here at GSC, so teams (and individuals) are recognized and rewarded for displaying either of those two characteristics.

It was a close and exciting four days of Olympics with a lot of flip-flopping in the standings from one activity to the next. In the end, there has to be a winner, so here are some results:

1. Pirates (Awarded Spirit & Sportsmanship Award for Days 1 and 3)
2. Mermaids (Awarded Best Costume Award)
3. Explorers
4. Sea Monsters (Awarded Spirit & Sportsmanship Award for Days 2, 4, and Overall)

We select an Officer from each village to lead each team. The Officers are selected based on the qualities they have displayed as a leader, citizen, and spirited member of Golden Slipper Camp. It is a huge honor for a camper or counselor to be selected as an Officer for Olympics, and listed below are the Officers for each team. Also, be sure to check out various photo sets from Olympics by clicking here.

Captains - Uncle Jack Ross & Aunt Darlene Cerullo
Lieutenants - Marcus B. (Waiter) & Nicole P. (P)
Corporals - Daniel M. (10) & Alicia H. (J)
Sergeants - Jeffrey W. (6) & Kylie C. (D)

Sea Monsters
Captains - Uncle Joey McGinty & Aunt Sarah Beebe
Lieutenants - Bruce B. (Waiter) & Chelsea D. (P)
Corporals - Kydaire B. (7) & Emily VB (K)
Sergeants - Joseph H. (5) and Kristin G. (E)

Captains - Uncle Matt "Munch" Muchnick & Aunt Jennifer Jaynes
Lieutenants - Aaron A. (Waiter) & Kayla E. (O)
Corporals - Alex N. (10) & McKenna G. (L)
Sergeants - Zachary K. (5) & Tiffany P. (C)

Captains - Uncle Daleszandro "DJ" Jasper & Aunt Courtney Eline
Lieutenants - Robert T. (Waiter) & Cristy W. (P)
Corporals - Josef P. (9) & Victoria W. (L)
Sergeants - Vladislav B. (6) & Leah E. (E)

Until next time,
Uncle Brando

Sunday, July 8, 2007

It's News to Us!

Hi Family, Friends, and Slipperites!

It has been quite a few days since our last blog because we have been super busy having fun here at GSC. Here are updates on life in Bartonsville:

Camper President - Wednesday, July 4
We held our Camper Elections on July 4th. Shannon S. (Waiters) was elected our Camper President, and Thomas M. (Bunk 8) was elected Vice President. Uncle TO led the swearing-in ceremony before each officer gave an acceptance speech, and then we surprised the camp with the Inaugural Bash -- a 4th of July dance!

Who Dunnit? - Thursday, July 5
Early in the day, we sent four teams of four to Camp Pinemere for the annual 15-and-under Jamboree Basketball Tournament. Our representatives were Cristy W. (Bunk P), Lisa M. (Bunk N), Victoria W. (Bunk M), Aunt Lonnie R. (Bunk C), Rachel G. (Bunk N), Jasmine T. (Bunk ?), Emily VD (Bunk P), Marissa C. (Bunk M/N), Shabazz R. (Bunk 10), Danny Z. (Bunk 14), Lubomir K. (Bunk 14), Yuri F. (Bunk 14), Marcus B. (Waiter), Aaron A. (Waiter), Bob T. (Waiter), and Tyler L. (Waiter). Our teams did well, and Team Cristy/Lisa/Victoria/Lonnie won the female tournament!

The weather that night was beautiful, which meant we could be outdoors and help solve a crime that was committed in Golden Slipper Camp. Ten teams comprised of three bunks each hunted down our administrative suspects, who each provided a clue about the crime as well as the hiding place of the next suspect. In the end, the teams got a chance to guess the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the crime. Team Barcelona (Bunks C, 7, and M) ended winning by providing all of the right facts. During the Inaugurations on Wednesday, Aunt Alysa blinded Uncle Matt H. with her camera flash. Then her and the Vegetarian Council kidnapped him and hid him in the bathrooms of Bunks O & P. They did this because he served them meat sauce for dinner on Wednesday night. Congrats to Team Barcelona for unscrambling our cryptic clues! They received GSC medals for their efforts.

Counselor Fact Night - Friday, July 6
Last minute rain led to a change in the schedule, with Counselor Fact Night on the agenda. Each of our staff members submits an interesting fact about themselves, and then the campers try to match the facts with the staff member by asking yes or no questions. The fun part is at the end, when we reveal the owner of each fact and share stories that accompany the facts. Congrats to Bunks 1 and P for winning. Each camper in those bunks received a Golden Slipper blanket or lunch box.

Slipper Cinema - Saturday, July 7
Tonight, the camp watched "Night at the Museum."

MTV Night - Sunday, July 8
Each bunk performed the skits they have been working on for the past week, and it was one of the best MTV nights in GSC history. The finalists for each village were:
Vogelson - Bunks 5/6 ("Hero" by Enrique Iglesias)
Strauss - Bunks E/F ("Best Friends" by Aqua)
Kadden - Bunks 7/8 ("Big Girls Don't Cry" by Fergie)
Friends - Bunks K/L ("Do You Know" by Enrique Iglesias)
Council/Council: Bunks 13/14 ("Food Medley")

The overall winner was Bunks 13/14. Afterwards, Upper Staff presented an Olympic Fakeout...some day, very soon, something special is going to happen.

Honor Bunks - Week 2
Strauss - Bunk A
Vogelson - Bunk 6
Friends - Bunk G
Kadden - Bunk 10
Council Girls - Bunk N
Council Boys - Bunk 13

First Accomplishments announced during Lunchtime News of the Day
-Devida in Bunk D shot her first bulls eye!
-Zac J. in Bunk 15 caught his first fish...during his first time fishing!
-Campers in Bunk N shot their first bulls eyes and shot seven of them altogether!
-Casey S. in Bunk 10 shot his 33rd bulls eye of the encampment!
-Kylie and Alexis got their first bulls eye today!

Until next time, have a happy week in the real world!
Uncle Brando

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Slipper Idol and First Accomplishments

Hello Friends, Family, and Slipperites,

We're looking at another overcast day, but that wasn't enough to damper our spirits this morning. We have celebrated 4th of July in a festive manner, beginning with Aunt Jessica Schaffel leading us in the Star Spangled Banner and continuing with American-themed music throughout our Red, White, and Blue Lunch! We also celebrated Uncle Tom O'Neill's one year anniversary as our director with a standing ovation and singing of the TO chant!

In other news, our Slipper Idol talent show was filled with many talented singers. Aunt Audrea and Damani O. (Bunk 2) did a fantastic job hosting, and each act was worthy of winning. Our top 5 finishers, in order, were:

5. Michelle P. (Bunk D)
4. Julia W. (Bunk N)
3. Kylie C. (Bunk D)
2. Ashley C. (Bunk D)
2007 1st Encampment Slipped Idol = Jesse C. (Waiters)!!!!

Congratulations to all of our Slipper Idol contestants!

Also, we have announced the following firsts during the past few days:

-Andrew B. (Bunk 5) learned to drop-in at the skate park and yes; that's a good thing!
-Tonee W. (Bunk A) climbed Lake Road on her bike (a very tough hill)!
-James V. (Bunk 8) learned how to ride a bike (thanks to Uncle Max)!!!
-Vitaliy K. (Bunk 5) did 9 laps in the 3 Minute Race!
-Michelle K. (Bunk F) shot her first 5 bulls eyes of the encampment!

Congrats to all of our campers (and Uncle Max) for another great day at Golden Slipper!

I'm anxiously awaiting the votes for our Camper President!
Uncle Brando

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Slipper Idol Contestants

Hi Family, Friends, and Slipperites,

Today we heard from our three female candidates for Camper President (Madi, Alicia, and Alexis), and tomorrow we will hear from our three male candidates (Dan, Shannon, and Tom). Tomorrow is also the election, of course, and inaugural bash!

Tonight is the final round of Slipper Idol and we have 15 fantastic acts lined up. Below is the list. Who will be crowned the next Slipper Idol?

Uncle Brando

# Name Bunk Song/Skit
1 Ashley C. D Whatever Will Be Will Be
2 Tiffany P. C Unfaithful
3 Gabbi H. C If We Were a Movie (Hannah Montana)
4 Hilary K. P Part of Your World
5 Harrison M. 3 Dance Inside (The All-American Rejects)
6 Michelle P. D Breaking Free
7 Kylie C. D This is the Life (Hannah Montana)
8 Jesse C. Wa Hotel California (The Eagles)
9 Emily VB K Fallen (Alicia Keys)
10 Taylor P. D Love (Keisha Coles)
11 Alex N. 10 Year 3000 (Jonas Brothers)
12 Robbie T. 13 Hey There Delilah (Plain White T's)
13 Michelle K. F Irreplacable
14 Aunt Jessica S. D ?!?
15 Damani O. 2 Sign Language & Co-host

From Aunt Sue Ellen, Girls' Head Director

Dear Parents, Friends, Family, and Slipperites,
This is Aunt Sue Ellen reporting for the girls’ side. Things are going well. We are one week into the encampment and we have met up with old friends and made new ones. We are anxiously awaiting the dinner dance. The theme is Candyland this month. I watched Bunk I at high challenge this morning and it was very inspiring. Good things are happening. Keep those letters and packages coming.

Aunt Sue Ellen

Monday, July 2, 2007

Honor Bunk, Camper Presidents, Slipper Book of Records

Hello Friends, Family, and Slipperites,

There is quite a bit of nice to report. I'll begin with Honor Bunk. Each day, after breakfast, the bunks work hard to clean their areas and bunks. Then, an inspector comes to each bunk and gives them a score; at the end of each week, the cleanest bunk (with the highest total scores) earns a pizza party and a plaque to display in their cabin! Saturday we gave out our Honor Bunk awards and here are the winning bunks, with the inspectors listed as well:

Vogelson - Bunk 5 (Inspectress: Aunt Jessica Smith)
Strauss - Bunk D (Inspector: Uncle Dave C.)
Kadden - Bunk 7 (Inspectress: Aunt Monica M.)
Friends - Bunk L (Inspector: Uncle Donte F.)
Council Boys - Bunk 15 (Inspectress: Aunt Alexis K.)
Council Girls - Bunk P (Inspector: Uncle Brad K.)

Also, each village held its primary elections yesterday and we have six candidates for the positions of Camper President and Vice President. Our camp-wide election will be Wednesday, July 4, and the candidates are:

Strauss - Alexis F. (Bunk C) (Campaign Manager = Gabby H., Bunk C)
Friends - Alicia H. (Bunk J)
Council Girls - Madi N. (Bunk P) (Campaign Manager = Emily V., Bunk P)
Vogelson - Daniel G. (Bunk 4) (Campaign Manager = Marc F., Bunk 4)
Kadden - Tom M. (Bunk 9) (Campaign Managers = Alex N., Bunk 10, and Nik N., Bunk 9)
Council Boys - Shannon S. (Waiters) (Campaign Manager = Zach C., Waiters)

Finally, several records were broken last night, and those campers' names have been added to the Slipper Book of Records. I have uploaded pictures from the GSC Record Book in three different files which you can see by clicking here. The records broken last night are highlighted in blue. You'll notice that some of our campers (and staff) also hold records in villages that are different from their current village, which means that they set that record in a past year. The last column lists the year and encampment (2007.1 = 2007, 1st Encampment).

Hopefully you enjoy the blog's update, and don't forget to look at our pictures. Aunt Alisa and the campers from her elective class have added a total of 1,558 pictures so far!!! Tonight's evening activity is the Slipper Cinema, and we'll either be watching Heavyweights or Night at the Museum (it's a Ben Stiller night). Be sure to check back often and remember: Some day, very soon, something special is going to happen!

Uncle Brando

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Deal or No Deal & Kadden Camper Entries

Hi Family, Friends, and Slipperites,

Last night was Vogelson/Strauss Deal or No Deal, and our younger campers certainly enjoyed it. Joey H. (Bunk 5) and Chris P. (Bunk 2) earned 425 points for Vogelson, and Rachel E. (Bunk B) and Kennedy M. (Bunk E) earned Strauss 960 points towards the Asherman Cup. The race for the Asherman Cup is heating up (today we had a "Where Am I?" challenge, where the campers had to identify camp locations based on extreme close-up pictures -- we will post them later for you to guess) and there are a lot of points up for grabs over the next 10 days.

Tonight our campers will try to break records in Slipper Book of Records, and we will post the record-breakers as soon as they are ready. Also, a total of twenty campers are competing in the primaries today, and one representative from each village by dinner tonight. The six candidates will compete to become Camper President and Vice President, each with a variety of responsibilities and privileges. I'll keep you updated on the results as soon as they are ready.

In the meantime, enjoy the following entries written by Kadden campers. And someday, very soon, something special will happen!

-Uncle Brando

Kyle L. Bunk 10
So far, Camp is the bomb-digity. It feels like I've already been here for weeks, yet this is only the morning of day 6. That's most likely because I know everyone. My counselors are all new, but I've known 1 of them for two years. I'm still in the same double bunk as last year, but that was because of maintenence on one of the bunks. My village leader is the best. Go Spoon!

Casey S. Bunk 9
So far I am having fun at camp. The food has gotten so much better. I am beasting up the ga ga pit. My counselors are the best. It is fun to meet new people each year. My village leader is very funny and makes my year here a lot more fun. I enjoy listening to his random facts each day. I am going to play basketball and go to the lake today. I hope I have fun today, and the
rest of this encampment. I am stuck in the same bunk as last year. My leagues team is really beast.

Roman N. Bunk 9
Hey Mom,
Camp is fun. I have awesomerifick counselors. But I'm stuck in the same bunk as last year. So are my friends, but that's still kool. I'm living a non-hyper week so send me candy and drinks and a hat....it's HOT! My village leader (VL) is funny, he is head of the camp and wears a spoon on his hat so we call him Uncle Spoon. He has comic knowledge. Dance was 2 days ago and I
got all "de" ladies with my fly moves. Before that I had something called leagues and we were on teams. The theme is telli-tubi characters. Much Love, Roman

Joe P. Bunk 9
So far camp has been pretty beast. My counslers are the bomb diggity. I've really been liking the food this encampment also. I have been becoming good friends with new people in my bunk, even though I got stuck back in bunk 9, when I was last year. My village leader is the best! Uncle Spoon lives in the middle room of my bunk. I enjoy every second of his weirdness. Uncle B-Rad knows all. Peace!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Vogelson entries & Damani's story

Hi Friends, Family, and Slipperites,

Today's weather is absolutely beautiful! The sun came out, and we were able to enjoy our first cookout underneath a cloudless sky. Everyone here has their fingers crossed in hopes that the weather continues.

It has been a busy few days, so I apologize for not updating the blog yesterday. Our priority here is to provide the campers with the best camp experience possible, so that unfortunately means that some days the blog will be pushed aside in place of other responsibilities.

Our evening activities the past two nights were Night at the Races and Leagues Tug of War. The races involved many members of our camp family, and the bunks that picked the most winners were Bunks 1 & 5, with Bunk D in a close second. Tonight, Vogelson/Strauss will play Deal or No Deal while Kadden/Friends/Council Boys/Council Girls. Tomorrow night will be Slipper Book of Records, where campers try to break previous highs and enter GSC history. An update of broken records will be shared!

I do want to share entries written by our Vogelson campers, as well as Damani's story. The story was typed first exactly as how Damani wrote it, and second with a 'translation' to help you understand his story.

Have a good day, and don't forget to vote in our Mascot contest (deadline is July 4)!
Uncle Brando

Damani's story
Copter One

Once upon atime there was a man that was relly dumn. he was so dumn wehe was dumner than a cartoon, but one day wile he was walking there was a crane that was carying a big peice of metl for a safe in a new bilding in construson. then, BANG...When the man woke up he was in the hospital. "Where am I?" said the man. "You are in the hospital" said the lady. "You were just in a opraishon and your body parts have been replaced with bionic body parts. soon a sintist will pick you up and teach you." Beep Beep. "There he is now" said the lady. "Gooday old chap" said the sintist. "Hi" said the dumn man. So the sintist tout him all that he knew and the dumn man became a ditctev and travled around the world and solved misteryes. The End.

Chapter One

Once upon a time there was a man that was really dumb. He was so dumb, he was dumber than a cartoon, but one day while he was walking there was a crane that was carrying a big piece of metal for a safe in a new building in construction. Then, BANG....When the man woke up he was in the hospital. "Where am I?" said the man. "You are in the hospital" said the lady. "You were just in an operation and your body parts have been replaced with bionic body parts. Soon a scientist will pick you up and teach you." Beep Beep. "There he is now" said the lady. "Good Day Old Chap" said the scientist. "Hi" said the dumb man. So the scientist taught him all that he knew and the dumb man became a detective and traveled around the world and solved mysteries. The End

Vlad B. Bunk 6 Age 11
Yesterday in the pavilun we had a dance. It was called The Welcome back pajam-a-jam. I was dancing for a long time with Uncle Gabe. Golden Slipper's chefs are better then last year. GSC is the best even the counslers in our bunk like Uncle Chris Kerns, Uncle Aaron Saches, Uncle Tyrone Geary, and Uncle Nir Galia. I would like to say hi to my mom and dad.

Jeffrey W. Bunk 6 Age 11
Last night at the dance it was fun and I boogied on down. The food here is great because we have new chefs. I played basketball for my leagues team the Scorpians. It was fun. Tonight I'm doing night at the races. It'll be fun. Hi Mom. Uncle Chris Kerns is my favorite consulor. Hi Dad. Hi Bec.

Vitaliy K. Bunk 5 Age 11
This is a great camp because this camp has everything like great cookers, allmost every sport. My favorite part is the dances. My favorite food was chicken noodle soup today at lunch. Today I played basketball, but my favorite sport is ga-ga. P.S. Hi mom. send more candy and my skateboard.

Michael M. Bunk 1 Age 8
Play Ga-Ga-Ga. I played kickball. Yesterday I did video. Hi mom, dad, grandmom and pop-pop. I ate a hoagie for lunch today. I love you mom dad grandmom and grandpop. Mom send candy

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Camper Passages

Hi Friends, Family, and Slipperites,

I am very proud to share with you blog entries written by several of our campers. There are four "Camp Reports" written by campers in Strauss. I also have four more entries from campers in Vogelson, a short story by Damani in Bunk 2, and some poetry from Robbie T. in bunk 13 that I need to type...plus tomorrow we will have more camper entries! For now enjoy the following entries, which were typed exactly as how the campers wrote them to capture their exact thoughts!

Alexandria C. - Bunk B Age 8
What I've done at camp so far is.......went to the camp fire and ate smores. We went swimming. I did drama and I'm Molly in Annie. I played on the playground with my friends. My friends are Sofiya, Rachel, and Brittney and lots of more friends. All the countslors are nice, thoughtful, cool, specially sweet, fun, funny and lots of more words.

Rachel B. - Bunk B Age 8
So far at camp I've met tons of friends, tasted delicous food, did drama, met again my village leader, had fun, met my awsome counslers, was embarresed on stage in the welcome show and laughed. I am playing Tessie in Annie. I also have been sleeping and thinking.

Alison N. - Bunk F Age 11
While I've been in camp, I've had a great time. We get to do plenty of activities. The Strauss village leader rocks! The food is good and so is the desert. Our director Uncle Tom does a great job running the camp. I would say this is the best overnight camp I've ever been to, and I've been to alot of overnight camps.

Jackie K. - Bunk F Age 10
Our Strauss Village Leader is the best. She is so much fun. The food is the best. It is the best food in GSC history. The activities are great. There are 33 activities. Some of them are art, basketball, creative writing, and even sign language. My favorite activities are arts and crafts and vollyball. I love Golden Slipper Camp!

Take care, and don't forget to vote on your favorite GSC mascot picture by e-mailing bruben@alumni.arcadia.edu before Wednesday, July 4.

Uncle Brando

We need your help to check out pictures and vote!!!

Hi family, friends, and Slipperites,

We unfortunately experienced our first significant rain storm of the summer yesterday, which ultimately canceled our afternoon activities. Luckily, we were able to turn the day into a fun, memorable experience for all. First, we extended Lunchtime News of the Day to include a Radio/DJ Sing Off. About 20 campers and counselors sang 20 seconds of a song, and tomorrow we will announce the winners. Kudos to Aunt Jen W. for organizing the Sing Off!

Then, afterwards we met in the Pavilion for our first (and hopefully last) Rainy Day Activity of the summer, The Great Impostor, and this will involve YOU in helping to judge. I will share more details on this aspect in a moment, after I explain the activity. First, each bunk brings a pillow case filled with props, clothing, and any other interesting items that they want to bring. The premise of The Great Impostor is that GSC is starting a spy agency and we need spies who can blend into any setting or scenery. Then, the camp is given a category and they must dress up a camper from their bunk to reflect that category. For example, the categories yesterday were, in order: America, Transformers, Cereal Characters, Muppets, and the GSC Mascot. We saw plenty of Lady Liberty, transforming umbrellas, Toucan Sams, and Kermit/Miss Piggy duos.

The final round is where we need your help to judge. The category was GSC's Mascot. During orientation, the staff selected the Bananas and the He-bros as potential names, so we instructed the bunks that they could dress as either of those or as a suggestion of their own. The entries included a wide variety of camp-related symbols as well as creative uses of the materials at each bunk's disposal.

While other rounds were judged by Aunts Sue Ellen, Steph, and Kristin, this round will be judged by all of YOU! You can view the photos by clicking here and vote by e-mailing your vote (include the bunk number, which is listed under the picture) to bruben@alumni.arcadia.edu. Please vote for your favorite picture/costume and not necessarily the mascot itself; there are several duplicates, and the points for the activity go to the individual bunk.

We would love to involve you in our camp experience as well, and this is our first experiment with a way to do that. We appreciate your votes and feedback, and will constantly look for other ways to use the GSC blog, flickr photos, and website to ensure that we are all one big Golden Slipper family.

In other news, last night's evening activity was our Welcome Back Pajama Jammy Jam Dance - hopefully the 1:15pm poster's son enjoyed it, and thank you Max for responding and sharing the positive feedback with us. The administrators who have been able to update and read the blog (and your comments) have sincerely enjoyed this form of interaction, and it is awesome to see that you are, too. Photos from the dance are being uploaded to flickr as I type this and should be viewable later (I will add a link when they are ready), and Aunt Alisa appreciates your patience. She is taking and uploading as many pictures as possible, and says each camper should be on the site soon!

There are several more "First Accomplishments" to add to the blog, but it is time for me to run the Creative Writing/GSC Media elective. Several more campers have volunteered to write something for the blog and they will be added once the passages are written. They are Rachel E., Alexis F., Rami B., and Brian D. In the meantime, check out the photo site until I have a chance to update the blog and enjoy your day !

Uncle Brando

I just met with the Creative Writing group, and they were very excited to hear your feedback and to hear that other campers are interested in being involved. Damani wrote an excellent story that will be shared through the blog (and with the camp), and Kristen and Meghan have started illustrating his story. Unfortunately, we don't have a scanner so I can't share their drawings with you!

Also, immediately after the period, a bunk 13 counselor shared that Robbie T. has written some poetry that he would like to share with the blog and the camp, so that will be uploaded before I go to bed tonight. Additionally, Uncle Adam has recruited several Vogelson and Strauss campers who will write about their camp experience for the blog. They will be here in the office in about an hour, and we are excited at how quickly the blog is growing (both here and in the 'real world). In fact, I need to wrap this entry up so that I can attend to my other responsibilities!

Here are the 'First Accomplishments' that we announced yesterday and today:
-Chane J. (Bunk F) shot her first bullseye in riflery!
-Ari M. (Bunk 6), Pat G. (Bunk 3), and Lennon D. (Bunk 3) all dropped-in for the first time at the skate park! Uncle B-rad, our skate park specialist, informed me that this is related to the half-pipe and is a significant accomplishment.
-"Dear Uncle Brando, This year's food is amazing...so give a shout out to the cooks for us! From, Uncle Bill and Bunk 7" That's right, we are eating very well this summer, and everything has been delicious!
-Bunk 5 did the Human Knot in under 5 seconds...shattering the previous record of 2 minutes!!!
-Chris P. (Bunk 2) caught four fish on his very first time fishing!
-Michael Minniti's baseball team won the championship, and he has been nicknamed "The Champ!"

Thanks again, and enjoy your Thursday!
Uncle Brando

League's Tug of War (Night at the Races if it rains)

Wednesday's lunch: Chicken nuggets & fries
Wednesday's dinner: Fried flounder & green beans
Thursday's breakfast: Cinnamon French Toast & cereal
Thursday's lunch: Hoagies & chicken noodle soup

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Deal or No Deal & More

Hi friends, family, and GSC members,

Our Creative Writing/GSC Media group -- Kristen M. (bunk N), Megan O. (bunk M), and Damani O. (bunk 2) -- met yesterday but their interest was primarily in creative writing. The good news is that they have already written some good stories, poetry, and songs, but the 'bad' news is that it means I will be writing today's blog entry. My goal is to have campers be involved in the blog process.

In other camp news, our first Asherman Cup challenge took place at lunch yesterday. Since GSC is one big family, the challenge was to list all of the families who are here this encampment. Aunt Julie is tabulating the results and we will be sure to post them as soon as they are ready. During lunch we also had our first bunks ever eat on our brand new Presidents Deck outside of the Dining Hall. Bunks 6 & M sat together and enjoyed the sunshine, and Uncle Spoon was our roving reporter who gatherer their perspective during Lunchtime News of the Day. Speaking of Lunchtime News of the Day, the following firsts/accomplishments were announced yesterday:

-Ashley C. in bunk D got her first bullseye on the first arrow she ever shot!
-Nunu (Damir in Bunk 1) learned how to ride a bike, and Nate Z. from Bunk 1 learned how to balance on a bike!
-Rami B. in Bunk 15 scored his first goal in hockey by shooting the puck into the goalie's pants!
-Joe, Drew, Vitaliy, and Zach in Bunk 5 all got a bullseye in archery, and Vitaliy created a chicken dance that is a huge hit with the bunk and the archery counselors!
-Rachel G. in Bunk K learned how to row a boat!

As you can see, another day at GSC means another day of amazing accomplishments and firsts for our campers and your children!

The camp was split up for last night's evening activity: Vogelson & Strauss participated in a GSC Spirit (Scavenger) Hunt, where they had a list of GSC-related items to find. The activity was a lot of fun, and Team Fib (Bunks 5 & B) came out as the winner.

Kadden, Friends, Council Boys, & Council Girls participated in Deal or No Deal, and the cases contained Asherman Cup points instead of cash. Each village had one participant: Toodles (Dominique T.B., Bunk 7) for Kadden, Emily V.B. (Bunk K) for Friends, Bob T. (Waiters) for Council Boys, and Amber H.G. (Bunk M). I'll list the point totals that each village won in a moment, but the hero of the evening was Amber, who not only sold her case for more than it was worth, but also talked the Banker into 20 minutes of social time for the four villages! Here are the point totals each village won towards the Asherman Cup:
Kadden - 350 (10 points in the case)
Friends - 200 (.01 points in the case)
Council Boys - 900 (200 points in the case)
Council Girls - 500 (25 points in the case)

That's all the news from here at GSC. Right now we are hoping that the rain holds off long enough for us to get in a full day of activities and a Tug of War tonight. Be sure to check back later for today's news, and to check out our photos. The links are at the top-right of this page!

Happy Wednesday,
Uncle Brando

Leagues Tug of War or Welcome Back Dance (if it rains)

Tuesday's Lunch: Grilled Cheese & Homemade Corn Chowder, brownies for dessert
Tuesday's Dinner: Roast Beef & Mashed Potatoes, Jello for dessert
Wednesday's Breakfast: Eggs & Hashbrowns

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

One day in the books...and FOR the books!

Hi friends, family, and GSC members,

Our first day of full day of camp started at 8:00 AM yesterday (Monday) when Aunt Jen W. broadcast the summer's first radio show on WGSC. The girls' side of camp was able to dance as they walked towards the flagpole.

The weather yesterday was a little grayer than we'd like to see here on the first day of an encampment, but the rain stayed away so our activities were in full force. Here are some of the highlights from the first day, which were shared with the camp during Lunchtime News of the Day:

-Jimmy (Bunk 8) learned how to ride a bike! Uncle Max (Bunk 1) worked with Jimmy to teach him.
-Nicolette (Waitress/P) hit the summer's first bulls eye at archery!
-Aunt Jess S. (Bunk D) hit her first bulls eye ever while demonstrating for the campers!
-Biana (Bunk H) caught her first ball ever while playing softball!
-Everyone in bunks G & H was able to hit the ball during their at-bat!
-Alexis V. (Bunk G) caught the first fish of the summer!
-Rebecca S. (Bunk G) caught 8 fish in 45 minutes!
-Brandon Y. (Bunk 13) caught Bubba, the legendary catfish who lives in Lake Olympia. Bubba has been released and the challenge is out there for the rest of camp to try to catch Bubba.
-Madi, Domonique, Jamie, and Danielle (Bunk O) were the summer's first campers to complete the High Challenge course.

As you can see, plenty of excitement happened yesterday at GSC...and this is just a small sample of the accomplishments!

The evening activity was Co-Village Campfires, complete with s'mores (of course). Each of the three campfires featured stories, sing-a-longs (Strauss/Vogelson sang American Pie, Puff the Magic Dragon, and ...Baby, One More Time), and even skits featuring staff and campers. Once again, the weather cooperated with us so that we were able to enjoy a traditional camp evening.

Today at lunch we will have our first Asherman Cup Challenge, and this afternoon our Creative Writing/GSC Media activity will meet for the first time. This means that the next blog update should hopefully include some passages written by campers! Be sure to check back here tomorrow!

Head on over to www.flickr.com/photos/9141523@N05 for pictures from the summer. Aunt Alisa, our Mama-razzi, is working hard to make sure you can see each camper and each activity! Also, don't forget about www.goldenslippercamp.org, the official site of Golden Slipper Camp and your source for official, administrative information!

Happy Tuesday to all!
Uncle Brando

Vogelson/Strauss: GSC Spirit Hunt
Kadden/Friends/Council Boys/Council Girls: Deal or No Deal (for Asherman Cup points)

Monday's Lunch: Tacos, Pineapple for dessert dessert
Monday's Dinner: Chicken cutlets, corn, rice, and brownies for dessert
Tuesday's breakfast: Waffles and oatmeal

Monday, June 25, 2007

GSC off to a great start!

Hello friends, family, and GSC members,

1st encampment is off to a great start! Dinner was filled with lots of spirit, and everyone in camp was on their feet dancing to DJ Otzi's "Hey Baby!" before apple pie dessert was served. We even celebrated Devon L's (Bunk D) birthday, which was actually on June 23.

The evening activity was The Welcome Show, and our counselors and staff showed off their hard work. The show started with a surprise performance from the Backstreet Boys and was followed by Uncles Doug and Gabe making music with trashcans and their voices. Aunt Joanne stole the show as she brought down the house with her baton twirling skit.

Be sure to check this blog daily, as we (campers, counselors, village leaders, and myself) will be updating it on a regular basis.

Take care, and happy day to all!
Uncle Brando

Yesterday's Menu
SUNDAY'S LUNCH: Chicken Nuggets & French Fries
SUNDAY'S DINNER: Spahetti & Meat Sauce, Apple pie for dessert